UNEP Biodiversity MEA Focal Points strengthen ties to CMS, CITES and Ramsar

21st June 2012

Milky Stork. Photography: AnuarsallehThe four regional UNEP Biodiversity Multi-lateral Environment Agreements (MEA) Focal Points have visited the Secretariats of CMS, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, to build a deeper understanding of the work of these important conventions.

UNEP hosts a biodiversity MEA Focal Point in each of five UNEP regional offices - Africa, Latin America & the Caribbean, West Asia, Asia & the Pacific, and Europe. The Focal Points’ role is to provide technical and advisory support directly to MEA secretariats, as well as to enhance countries' capacities to implement biodiversity-related agreements, such as CMS, CITES, Ramsar and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). They work at the regional and national level with countries by providing technical and advisory services, information exchange and capacity-building for synergistic implementation of MEAs.

The assistance that will be provided to CMS from the Focal Points, on top of the implementation of new CMS joint work plans with the other biodiversity-related conventions - CITES, Ramsar and CBD - bodes well for enhanced synergies among the Conventions at the national level.

Further information is available on the CMS website